Björn Borg Launches Free Dating Site – The aim: everybody should find love

The Björn Borg matching tool is a reaction to today’s long survey forms, which have become common practice on most dating sites.

– At the Björn Borg dating site, Love For All, we ask questions on what kind of music you like, rather than how you value certain characteristics. We believe that an uncomplicated and straightforward form of Internet dating facilitates more dates and thus a better chance of finding someone, says Rocky af Ekenstam Brennicke, PR- and Event Manager at Björn Borg.

The Björn Borg dating tool Love For All is free, and Björn Borg has high aspirations that lots of single people will find love.

– As an advertising agency, it is extremely exciting to work with clients who are bold enough to set brave goals. Love For All is not accomplished at the drop of a hat, but our tool is very effective, and we can promise a virtual date to anyone who visits the site, says Jonas Andersson, Account Director at the Farfar advertising agency.

Björn Borg also aims to create peace on earth. The fashion company has sent old underwear from consumers to George W. Bush. The US President was selected recipient after consumers sent in their old underwear and voted on the site to decide who would receive the mountain of underwear.

For further information, please contact:
Rocky af Ekenstam Brennicke, PR and Event Manager,
Björn Borg Phone: +46(0)8-527 33 715

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Perfecting underwear for him and her since ‘89 and ‘92.

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